St. Augustine Island Inn Hotel Authentic Guest Reviews

The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the St. Augustine Island Inn. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.

5 Authentic Reviews from Our Guests

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Guest Room 100%
Service 100%
Value 100%
Cleanliness 100%
Location 100%
Comfort 100%

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July 23, 2019

"peaceful, clean, and beyond happyā€¯

My boyfriend and I went on a last minute getaway for our one year anniversary. We wanted something near or on the beach. I was a little nervous to book as it was a 2 star establishment but i was completely floored at how clean and taken care of this place is. The front staff is kind and social. It is close to the beach and very close to down town St. Augustine. We had a wonderful getaway, and will be coming back in the near future as we live in Orlando, FL.

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